
Ramsay quick identifies the eating place as having essential issues; firstly, the pleasant eating menu has no attraction to the usually working-magnificence locals, and secondly the pinnacle chef, 21-yr-antique Tim Gray, is inexperienced, incompetent and out of his depth, first evidenced while he unwittingly serves Ramsay expired scallops which purpose him to vomit, after which while he proves not able to make an omelets.

Ramsay suggests Tim how to shop for less expensive produce from the Leeds Kirk gate Market and enables him make a meal for his family, eleven though remains worried while Tim botches even this meal. Despite this, after having revised and simplified the menu, Tim is efficiently capable of serve a brand new bistro menu to almost fifty visitors on Valentine's Day, leaving Ramsay longing for the eating place's future.

When Ramsay returns for a revisit a month later however, he reveals the eating place in an excellent worse nation than while he first arrived; definitely no visitors are booked for dinner, and the refrigerators and pantry are observed to be complete of rotting, moldy meals (untitled at filming, the collection could take its call from Ramsay describing the vile kitchen as a nightmare. Bonapartes' proprietor, Sue Ray, fires Tim and declares that she can be able to near the eating place and awareness on jogging the upstairs bar, and Ramsay leaves, admitting failure.

Check Out the Full Episode Below!

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